Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thing 6 RSS Feeds

I have already set up an RSS feed in Outlook, so found Step 1. of the instructions for Thing 6 very frustrating - the drop down menu offered was for Outlook not Gmail!

Step 2.allowed me to add the ABC News feed to my Google reader. However I find it much more convenient to read feeds in Outlook which I use routinely as part of my work, rather than having to logon to Gmail, so will add an additional feed for Murdoch University News to Outlook.

Murdoch News is very useful as a means of keeping up to date with what's going on within Murdoch University, particularly within the science schools. Altho I spend time in the schools each week it's amazing how often I learn about science-related happenings thru the News. It's also valuable for finding out about what's happening on the other campuses.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thing 2

Like some others I find the LifeLong learning habits a bit like stating the obvious. However I am required to pick two of them:

The easiest is certainly the 7.5th, Playing, which apparently includes Reading, one of the truly great pleasures in life!

The hardest is viewing problems as challenges - it is so much quicker to get an expert to solve it for you, tho there is a certain satisfaction in solving it for yourself when there aren't any experts around!

As for Goals I just want to finish it - 23Things...

...and the Toolbox - I already have the computer - I just want some more time.

23 Things Launch

I was interested in finding out the value of Web 2.0 for researchers, but was disappointed. Various tools were mentioned, but apart from blogging as a communication tool for researchers, not in a context which seemed relevant to me. The enthusiasm for all things Web 2.0 is bewildering - using Facebook (?) to arrange a gathering at a central location for a pillow fight for example - tho I can see that would be very useful should a tsunami be approaching the Perth coast!